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I believe that collaborative architecture can change the world. This architecture operates between different scales, starting at 1:1 with individual people, everyday objects and the built environment, through to master-/mistressplans and translocal communities. To me the role of the architect is to host relationships to create grounded, interactive and fun design ideas.

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I have always had big ideas & living in a small country called Brunei, the opportunity was rather limiting. Having the chance to experience and gain skills in life and architecture, Manchester was the city for me. Being in places from both sides of the globe, I believe design & function in architecture can bring people together and unite as a community.

We are a collective made up of four individual people, who work along and across each other, in an active, mobile and situational studio. Our common thread is that we all believe in an activist architecture; “a way of acting and organising action” (Petcou, C., Petrescu, P. and Marchand, N., 2007:11). We may act in different ways, ranging from oppositional to propositional, in reaction to real urban issues and local expertise. We aim to represent diverse, marginalised viewpoints and socio-political alternative ways of doing.



My main interest is sustainable design and social practice. I see architecture as a key influence on how we live, and because of that, a facilitator for change.


I see a failing in architecture and architects to create environments for actual people and users, with their interests, wants and needs ignored. My aim as a designer is to address this imbalance in order to create humanising spaces.

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