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Our logo depicts a circle enclosing a quadriptych of small dots in primary colours, symbolising the four individuals that make up the Contact collective. The word ‘act’ has been underlined with a straightforward line to emphasise our belief in activism to nurture an inclusive and informed architecture. We want to be read as approachable, accessible and active, with a hint of feminist rebellion from normative academic, professional, and political practices.




Our choice of font is called ‘DIN’; a contemporary sans serif font from the 1990s. It is appropriate for both small text and larger text, and its easygoing feel is suitable for our inclusive approach.

Our primary colour palette is black and magenta. Pink is the most ‘dangerous’ and socio-politically charged colour (Ambjörnsson, 2011:7), with its multiple connotations and associations with the female. Our secondary colour palette is made up of the primaries red, yellow, blue and green, a choice inspired by Bauhaus’s use of basic shapes and colour in design.

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